Torrey was a private training client with one goal – she desperately wanted to start running again. When we had our consult, she said how much she missed just being able to lace up and head out the door without her knees aching and body not feeling good. And we know how good a run can feel.
We promised her that by the time she was done with her sessions that she would be able to run pain free again…then we got to work.
All of our private training programs are customized to each individual client’s needs and goals. Torrey needed to increase her core and posterior chain strength to support a better running movement pattern. We didn’t even program running for a long time. We did deadlifts, kettlebell swings, planks, and all kinds of work that she had never done before (please note that she hates bear crawls!), and by the time she was done working with us, she was able to run multiple times a week without pain.
Being able to give someone the ability to move safely and comfortably in their body to live the life they want to live is an absolute honor. This gym is not about pounds lost, but of life gained.