
A Yoga Mindset in a Group Fitness Class

One thing I have recently learned about myself as an athlete, is that I don’t always have to throw down in a group class. Instead, I’m starting to take a Yogi approach to some of my group classes and setting an intention for my “practice” when I walk in.


Why I’m Running Pier to Peak

Thinking of running Pier to Peak? Well that’s a whole other animal that no doubt requires a special coach. 13.1 miles and a 4,000 foot elevation increase to the top of Gilbraltar. Sounds simple right??? Right.


I <3 My (Running) Pack

There’s something very magical about running with a group. The time seems to pass more quickly, the distances don’t seem as long, and the journey is far more enjoyable when there’s someone running beside you.


21 Days to a New Habit? Think Again

Habits: bad ones are hard to break, and good ones seem hard to form. The belief is that you can form a new habit, or break yourself of an old one in just 21 days. Seems fabulous! Just do this one thing 21 days in a row and you’re set!


Dancing in the Dark

One of the cool things about working out at Alaris is finding these little nuggets of awesome that seem to happen in everyone’s lives that follow a theme. Our latest theme is what I’m calling, “Dancing in The Dark”


5 Tips to Start Running

Having been a beginning runner not too long ago, and working with beginners on a regular basis, I thought it would be important to cover the “How do I Start?” piece of the running journey.