One of the cool things about working out at Alaris is finding these little nuggets of awesome that seem to happen in everyone’s lives that follow a theme. Our latest theme is what I’m calling, “Dancing in The Dark” 

The concept is this – you put in the work. You keep showing up, do the workouts (whether running or strength training), but you don’t necessarily see or feel any changes, then one day…POOF! Something completely unexpected happens, the lights are thrown on, and suddenly you realize that you HAVE changed, you HAVE gotten stronger, or you HAVE gotten faster.

That’s the weird thing about progress, it doesn’t always happen immediately, nor does it announce its arrival. Sometimes, progress completely sneaks up on you and surprises you. That’s exactly what’s been happening at the gym these past few weeks – people left and right are having breakthroughs…whether physically or mentally, barriers have been broken, progress has kicked down the door, and change is happening….and it’s freaking AWESOME to watch.

Keep doing the work, keep trusting the process, and progress will show up on your doorstep when you least expect it…but be sure to embrace it when it happens, you earned it!